- The Foundation has increased the number of repeat donors each year since 2007, with 62 in 2021.
- In 2022, the number of gifts received was a record 90 for a record $40,384.
- The Foundation had a record 32 New Donors in 2016, and a record 62 repeat donors in 2021.
- The Foundation surpassed the milestone mark of $300,000 in donations in 2024! The total to date is over $320,000.
- There have been restricted donations made to 35 separate state highpoints, and various nationwide projects, totaling $84,000.
- The Foundation received its 900th individual donation in 2024.
- There have been over 275 individual donors.
- The Foundation communicates will all active Donors each Fall, with a State of the Union Letter bringing all Donors up to date on Projects and other Activity.
- The Foundation acknowledges all gifts, cash or in-kind, as soon as possible after receipt. When Donors pass a major milestone amount of lifetime dollars donated, they receive a Gift thanking them, view the Donor Recognition Program.
- Please consider a tax deductible gift to the Highpointers Foundation. No amount is too small. We appreciate your support and generosity.

You can use your PayPal account, or link to a credit card with or without a PayPal account. We accept all major cards.