What We Do

Highpointers Foundation volunteers make road improvements along the Queen Mine Road to Boundary Peak, Nevada (July 2021).
Highpointers Foundation volunteers make road improvements along the Queen Mine Road to Boundary Peak, Nevada (July 2021).

We make important improvements to roads and trails for highpoints around the country, often relying on volunteers, and collaboration with other nonprofits or government agencies.

A recently-installed stone Highpointers Foundation bench on Black Elk Peak, the South Dakota highpoint.
A recently-installed stone Highpointers Foundation bench on Black Elk Peak, the South Dakota highpoint.

We install benches, informative signs, registers, and other resources at highpoint trailheads, viewpoints, and highpoints themselves to enhance visitation and user experiences.

A bison fence along the road to White Butte, North Dakota's highpoint, where the Foundation has worked closely with landowners to get a road easement.
A bison fence along the road to Panorama Point, Nebraska’s highpoint, where we worked with ranchers to improve the road and access.

We work diligently with land owners and other organizations to manage easements and access to highpoints. Building these strong relationships helps protect highpoint access for all users.

Get To Know Us

Our Work By the Numbers

120 Projects
To Date

$225K +
Invested in

Over 275

Get Involved Today

Want to volunteer? Have a project idea? Something else in mind?

Contact us for more information!

Check out our Instagram @highpointersfoundation and our Facebook